fredag den 16. marts 2012

The Royal Danish Embassy

 Friday the 16th of March.

            Today we went to The Danish Embassy in China, which is situated in a beautiful and exciting part of Beijing. We arrived at the embassy at 10 o’clock in the morning where we were introduced to some kind trainees from Denmark. At the embassy we were going to have an interesting lecture presented by the trainees. The lecture was about China and contained themes as; culture, politics and economics. Afterwards we went to one of the only places in Beijing where you can order different kinds of traditional Danish food. The reason why we chose this restaurant for our lunch was because of the fact that it was located nearby The Danish Embassy and because a major part of the class was missing traditional Danish food.

Today, it is our last day in Beijing and therefore we are going to celebrate our very successful trip to China, which has contained a lot of great experiences and impressions.

Will be continued… 

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