tirsdag den 13. marts 2012

Friday the 9th of March

Our journey to China

On March the 8. our whole class – 2.e - packed our bags and heated off to China. We all met up at Copenhagen airport where we were flying from to Beijing. From Copenhagen we had to fly to Helsinki – Finland, where we had to transfer to our final destination – Beijing. The trip went smoothly without any complications. We landed in Beijing at 8 am – Chinese time – which is 7 hours ahead off Denmark. Almost every one of us could not sleep on the flight because of the time difference. This meant that we all were very tired when we arrived. We were dropped off a bit from our hotel because the bus could not drive us all the way because of the very narrow allies. At first our hotel looked like a rundown courtyard. But when we came inside we were pleasantly surprised! After we all had unpacked we met up back with Jackie and Morten. From the hotel we went by foot to Tiamens Square where we went on further to the park Morten and Jackie wanted to show us. In the middle of the park was a big temple that was raised in honour of Dahli Lama’s first visit to China in the 1900’th century. At the end of the day we all met up back together to go find a place to eat. Eating together as a class was the perfect end to a very long day and an even better way to start our China adventure together!

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